Scheduling automatic database backups

You can schedule database backups to run automatically on specific days and at specific times. To schedule a backup, you create a task. A task can contain one or multiple backup types.

By default, a scheduled task named Default Automatic Backup is added for new databases. It uses the Database snapshot backup type and runs once per day. You can modify or delete this task.

You can also perform manual backups. See Performing manual database backups.

1. Open the Helix Plan Server Administrator.

2. Select the database to back up.

3. Click Backup settings in the Properties area.

The Change Backup Settings dialog box opens.

4. Click New scheduled task.

The Change Task Settings dialog box opens.

5. Enter a Task name.

6. Select the Backup type. See Database backup types.

7. Select any Options.

  • Check database integrity after backup is finished to check that the database is in good shape after the backup completes. This performs the same action as the No backup, only check integrity backup type. See Database backup types.
  • Run missed backups runs any backups that were missed if the server was offline when the backup was scheduled.

8. Select the Backup interval.

9. Select the time to start the backup in the Start backup at field. The available options depend on the selected backup interval.

10. Select the days of the week to run the backup.

11. Click OK.

12. Add any additional backup tasks.

13. Click > to move the tasks you want to run as scheduled to the Enabled scheduled tasks list.

14. Click OK.

The backup will run as scheduled as long as the server is online.