Editing the Helix Plan Backup Service settings file

The Helix Plan Backup Service settings file contains information about database and options for backing up your data. You must change some of the settings for the service to work correctly.

1. Open the BackupServiceSettings.txt file in the directory where you installed the service (e.g., Helix Plan\BackupService).

2. Make any changes. Replace the existing values with information about your databases.

You need to add a section with the settings for each database you want the service to back up.

3. Save the file.

4. Restart the backup service.

Settings file values

Setting Description Example value
DatabasePath Path to the database location. "C:/Program Files (x86)/Helix Plan/Project Manager Server/Databases/Company_Projects/Database"
TransactionLogPath Path to the database transaction log location. "C:/Program Files (x86)/Helix Plan/Project Manager Server/Databases/Company_Projects/TransactionLog"
Destination Path to the destination for the backup file. "C:/Program Files (x86)/Helix Plan/Project Manager Server/Databases/Company_Projects/Backup"
BackupStartHour Hour of the day to start the backup. Valid values are 0-23. Backups should be run outside of business hours if possible. 2

Number of hours between each backup.

If a backup is already running when the next backup is scheduled to begin, the latter backup may be postponed until the first has finished.
BackupIntervalRetryMinutes Number of minutes to wait before retrying a failed backup. Use 0 to disable retrying. Default is 60. 60
LogIntervalSeconds Number of seconds between each copy status log entry while the backup runs. Adjusting this setting can help you get more frequent updates when backing up large databases. 600
BackupOnStart Boolean that indicates if the backup service should perform a backup when the service starts. 0
The backup service logs information and errors about backups. You can also provide email information in the settings file to automatically send emails to administrators when errors occur.