Web User Guide | 2019.2

Searching for items

You can search for items based on text or an item number you enter. Fields searched include the item summary and description fields, workflow event notes, all text fields, the requirement document name field, and test case or test run steps.

1. Open the item list to search. Only the item type in the open list is searched. For example, to search for issues, open the Issues list.

2. Click the Search button.

The search box opens.

3. Enter the text or item number to search for.

You can enter a text string or text that includes wildcards for a more flexible search.

  • To match zero or more characters, use an asterisk (*).
  • To match one character, use a question mark (?).

Note:  If you use wildcards, click More and then select Wildcards from the Use list. Otherwise, use Plain text to search for the exact text you entered.

4. If you applied a filter to the list, select Based on current filter to only search the filtered items.

5. Click More to display additional search options.

Note:  To perform a more powerful search using more specific criteria, click Advanced search. See Performing advanced searches.

6. Select a matching option for the text you entered.

  • Phrase searches for the exact phrase.
  • Any search term searches for any of the text.
  • All search terms searches for all of the text.
  • To match the exact case of the text, select Match case.

Note:  See Search examples for examples using the matching options.

7. Select a State option to specify whether to search open or closed items.

  • Open or closed items searches all items.
  • Only open items searches only open items.
  • Only closed items searches only closed items.

8. Click Search.

The Find Results filter is applied.

  • If matching items are found, the items are displayed in the list.
  • If matching items are not found, the list is empty.