User Guide | 2019.2

Setting field project options

You can set the default date/time to use for fields and configure options for entering values in version fields.

You can also select options to control how information is displayed in user fields. See Setting user field options.

1. Choose Tools > Administration > Project Options.

The Project Options dialog box opens.

2. Select the Fields category.

3. Select Use the Helix ALM Server local date/time instead of the client date/time in fields if you want item or event date/time fields to use the local date/time from the server by default.

4. Select any Version Fields options. These options affect the issue version found field and any custom fields in item workflow events (e.g., version fixed, version verified, version released).

  • Users can enter text in version fields allows users to enter text values in version pop-up menu fields. Any text value entered in a version field is unique to the item and does not affect the version field in other items.
  • Users must select a pop-up menu value in version fields only allows users to select values from the list included with pop-up menu version fields.
  • Include delimiters when sorting version fields looks for delimiters and sorts version field values by alphanumeric characters. If this option is not selected, a string comparison is performed when sorting. For example, the following comparison shows version field values sorted using delimiters:
  • Including delimiters Not including delimiters

5. Click OK to save the changes.