Controlling Security and User Access

Each Helix ALM user has a user record, which include the username, license assignment, and contact information. A user who needs to work in the project is assigned to a security group. These groups limit what a user can see and do in the project. It is important to carefully set up users and security groups to make sure team members have the appropriate access and to protect the integrity of your data.

Security groups

Security groups control access to the actions users can perform and the information they can work with. You can configure multiple groups to provide the appropriate level of security for different types of users based on their roles and responsibilities. Users can also be in multiple security groups. See Managing security groups.

Security groups have two levels of security:


Each user who needs to log in and work in a project requires a global user or customer record. These records are stored in the Helix ALM License Server, which is used to manage users from a central location and share them between projects and with other Helix ALM products. You can add users in Helix ALM or retrieve them from the license server, and then add them to a security group to provide Helix ALM access.

See Managing users and customers.

Tip: See the Security Best Practices for recommendations about user, database, and server management to keep data secure.